Software Protection without Antivirus


Step-1 : Open the folder where you have "Software Installers".

Important Terms

  • Installation Copy : Software in ready to use form.
  • Software Installer : The original file which contain "Installation Copy" of the software.
  • Installed Software : "Installation Copy" that are extracted into the system on executing the "Software Installer".
           Example : Folder of softwares you see in C Drive.

Difference between "Installation Copy" and "Installed Software"

When System knows about the "Installation Copy" then it is called "Installed Software", 

if System do not know about the "Installation Copy" then it is simply called "Installation Copy".
  • For proof : See "Program and Features" in Control Panel of "Windows Operating" System.
  • Conclusion : Always protect your "Software Installers" from viruses. 

Step-2 : Open "Folder Options".

Step-3 : Untick "Hide extensions for known file types", this will help you to see the "exe" extensions of "Software Installers".


Step-4 : Rename the "Software Installer".


Step-5 : Rename the "Software Installer" by removing "exe" extension.

               Note : EXE is the common filename extension denoting an executable file (a program) in the DOS, OpenVMS, Microsoft Windows, Symbian, and OS/2 operating systems.

Step-6 : When you hit the "Enter" for saving the "Software Installer" without "exe" extension a "Dialog box" will appear for your confirmation, you have to press "Yes" button because if you press "No" button it will not save the "Software Installer" without "exe" extension.

Step-7 : All steps are successfully completed and now the "Software Installer" is saved without the "exe" extension.

             Note : Also remove "." before "exe" extension, not removing does affect all these steps but it makes the name of "Software Installers" to look better, so remove (.exe) if you want the name of "Software Installers" to look better.

By executing these steps you have closed all access doors for viruses into the "Software Installer".

 Whenever you want to use your "Software Installer" just copy them to the different location and rename them by adding ".exe".

*** Here I said to copy the "Software Installer" to different location for adding ".exe" and using it because it is good to keep your "Software Installer" at original location untouched, again it lowers the risk of corruption, I mention this because I have seen some people add ".exe" to the original location and after using it they again remove the ".exe" but at the time of doing this, if your system is affected by viruses and if you are not known by this condition of your system then by renaming "Software Installer" at the original location you might be saving a corrupted copy of the "Software Installer".