What is Graphic Card ?

Outlook of a Graphic Card

What is "Graphic Card" ?

People often confused, while purchasing graphic card
they don't know the name of brand,model name and specification.

Graphic card is divided into three parts.

1. GPU (Graphic Processing Unit) [Similar to CPU on motherboard]
2. PCB (Printed Circuit Board) [Similar to motherboard]
3. Memory [Similar to RAM(Memory) installed on motherboard]
  •     Two brands that makes best GPUs in world are NVIDIA & AMD.
  •     You have also heard about brands like XFX, EVGA, SAPPHIRE, ZOTAC, PALIT, ASUS etc.
  •     These Companies purchase GPUs from NVIDIA & AMD and fix them with their PCB and Memory.
  •     Now you think why don't NVIDIA & AMD fix GPUs on their PCB and sell it, and the reason is they do but they are not good at designing of the graphic card outer looks and also they don't optimize cooling efficiency to their graphic cards and are not oriented for overclocking.
  •     Companies like XFX, EVGA, SAPPHIRE, ZOTAC, PALIT, ASUS etc. are good at these.
  •     Graphic cards made by NVIDIA & AMD means they use their own GPU, PCB & MEMORY are specified as "Reference Graphic Cards".
  •     Graphic cards made by XFX, EVGA, SAPPHIRE, ZOTAC, PALIT, ASUS etc. means they purchase GPUs from NVIDIA & AMD and fix it with their own PCB & MEMORY are commonly known as "Graphic Cards".
  •     GPU:- A GPU is a dedicated processor optimized for accelerating graphics.